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Dyce Kimura
Theresa Ortega: Bio
Kamikaze STORE
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Here's how to find us!

We were located in downtown Terre Haute, Indiana, USA, the "Crossroads of America" for 22 years, beginning in Sept. 1996 to Sept. 2018.
Now we operate online as well as making local deliveries and tournament/pop-up exhibits. 
Here are some shots of our store: 

    hmwpndisplay1.jpg (35465 bytes)          glasscasegifts.jpg (38732 bytes)        weaponscase.jpg (37172 bytes)          swordsinstore.jpg (22482 bytes)

                                     wavemasterinstore.jpg (29774 bytes)          hmwpnrounder.jpg (33152 bytes)

                                     (Take a look inside our store!)

Our store WAS located: 
About 75 miles southwest of Indianapolis, Indiana
                    6286 miles from Tokyo, Japan
                    6532 miles from Seoul, Korea
                    7987 miles from Beijing, China
                    8583 miles from Taipei, Taiwan

We are on Eastern Standard Time. 
Here is our current local time:




Please check our Facebook page or our What's New page
for information about pop-up events or tournament where 
we may be exhibiting. 

Our new mailing address is:
Kamikaze Karate Martial Arts & MMA Supply
5105 S US Highway 41
PMB 158
Terre Haute, IN  47802

Our local # is (812) 232-6555, you can leave us a message any time on our voicemail. 

You can e-mail us at information@kamikazekarate.com

!Y se habla español - pregunte por Theresa! 

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Tournament and seminar information?

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Thanks for signing up! 


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Any questions, problems with our website?  Contact Webmaster.